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2021 RIO UIA-PHG Seminar Program

Notes: All the times displayed below are the Brazilian (Rio) time.
(1) The details and arrangement of the program are subject to change
(2) The agenda of some major events of the UIA World Congress is also provided for your references.
(3) All the presentation sessions are pre-recorded. The question & answer will be available through chat. There will not be time set aside for Q&A. 
(4) Social hours will be provided through a Zoom platform for casual meeting with the PHG members, seminar speakers and audience.



                                                                                                            Sun July 18,  UIA-PHG Seminar                                                                                                           

Afternoon (13:00 - 14:00 Rio)

  • UIA-PHG Keynote     Live meeting 
        UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room  (Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with simultaneous translation (English, French, Spanish & Mandarin)




Speakers: Nísia Trindade Lima, PhD

Moderator: Sérgio Magalhâes, President of the Brazil Institute of Architects (IAB)


Speaker bio:

Dr. Nisia Trindade Lima is the President of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Ministry of Health, Brazil. Dr. Lima is a highly awarded researcher, teacher, and sociologist. She earned her PhD in Sociology (1997) and MA in Political Sciences (1989). She is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Science (ABC). Her research areas include science and Brazilian social thinking, the Brazilian thinking about hinterland, public health and health history, Brazilian history of development, and other social science topics. She was a working group member of the WHO Global Action Plan (2018), of which the goals were promoting global research in health systems worldwide. She has been a W.H.O. advisory group member for the 2030 Agenda (2019). She was the co-chair of the Health for Everyone Web of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) (2019). She also served as the co-chair of the Economic Recovering Director Group (2020), advising the United Nation's research projects for COVID-19 recovery. She is the first female president of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in its 116-year history. Her major role in shaping-up the partnership between Fiocruz and the Brazilian Government has helped enhance the preservation of both cultural and tangible heritage of Health in Brazil. She earned a medal of honor, twice, from the Brazilian Academy of Letters. 

                                                                                                           Sun July 18,  UIA World Congress                                                                                                       


Please note that we do not provide detailed program here for the UIA World Congress. Please visit for more information of the congress. 


Morning (08:30 - 13:00 Rio)

  • 08:30 - 09:00     Opening Ceremony

  • 09:00 - 10:00     Artistic Presentation

  • 10:00 - 11:00     Special partners meeting

  • 11:00 - 13:00     Tribute table (speakers: Carla Juaçaba, Eduardo S. de Moura, Nuno Sampaio)

Afternoon (14:00 - 17:00 Rio)

  • 14:00 - 15:00     Keynote by Francis Kéré (Burkina Faso)

  • 15:00 - 16:00     Keynote by Marina Tabassum (Bangladesh)

  • 16:00 - 17:00     Keynote by Tatiana Bilbao (Mexico)

Evening (18:00 - 20:00 Rio)

  • 18:00 - 19:00     Roundtable - World of Work

  • 19:00 - 20:00     Cultural Activities

                                                                                                           Mon July 19,  UIA-PHG Seminar                                                                                                           

Morning (08:00 - 12:00 Rio)

  • 08:00 - 9:00     UIA-PHG Seminar Opening Ceremony   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

  • 09:00 - 9:50     Session 1: Health & Communities       Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Engaging the perception of older adults: An eye-tracking multi-sensory study of housing neighborhoods in Singapore
By Zdravko Trivic (Singapore)

Community healthcare system: health posts for healthy communities

By Lelissa Erkissa (Ethiopia)

Associations between housing and neighborhood environments and COVID-19 infections, with amplified inequities for affordable housing residents

By Manasa Hegde (USA)

  • 09:50 - 10:40     Session 2: Intervenções em ambientes de saúde / Interventions in healthcare settings        Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Por ambiências sensíveis nos Centros de Parto Normal. Percepção e subjetividade no ambiente de nascer

(Sensitive environments in Normal Birth Centers: Perception and subjectivity for the birth environment)
By Cristiane N. da Silva (Brazil)

Análise de intervenção arquitetônica para criação de ala de isolamento respiratório em hospital público de Dourados/MS (Analysis of architectural intervention for the creation of a respiratory isolation ward in a public hospital in Dourados/MS)

By Silvia de Toledo Gomes (Brazil)

Patrimônio edificado de saúde como bem sustentável
(Built health heritage as a sustainable good)

By Valéria Nobre e Renato Gama-Rosa (Brazil)

  • 10:40 - 11:30     Session 3: Lessons Learned from COVID-19      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Design that protects health: Expanded uses for the epidemiological triangle to fight Covid-19
By Ray Pentecost & Paul K. Carlton (USA)

Learning from Covid-19

By Erica Brusamolin (Italy)

Comparison of medical planning for infectious diseases departments in China’s general hospitals before and after Covid-19

By Mohan Wang & Yi Yu (China)

  • 11:30 - 12:00     Poster Session      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF) 

Language: English, Portuguese & Spanish

Each poster will be displayed for 20 - 40 seconds.

Poster Exhibition: 

Noon (12:00 - 13:00 Rio)

  • UIA-PHG Seminar Social Meeting   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

                                                                                                            Mon July 19,  UIA World Congress                                                                                                      

Afternoon (13:00 - 17:00 Rio)

  • 13:00 - 14:00     Architalks

  • 14:00 - 17:00     Keynotes

                                                                                                            Tue, July 20,  UIA-PHG Seminar                                                                                                          


Morning (07:00 - 12:00 Rio)

  • 07:00 - 07:50     Session 4: Intervenções em ambientes de saúde / Interventions in healthcare settings        Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Programa Institucional Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis: uma estratégia da Fiocruz para a promoção da saúde
(Sustainable and Healthy Territories Institutional Program: a Fiocruz strategy for health promotion)
By Andrea Vasconcellos (Brazil)

Saúde e favelas nos debates entre cientistas sociais e urbanistas: o caso de Manguinhos
(Health and favelas in debates between social scientists and urban planners: The case of Manguinhos)

By Rachel Vianna (Brazil)

Escalas de habitabilidade e pandemia – a cidade revisitada, o urbano permanente
(Habitability scales and the pandemic: the city revisited, the permanent urban)

By Renata Latuf de Oliveira Sanchez &  Ana Paula Preto Rodrigues (Brazil)

  • 07:50 - 08:40     Session 5: Design Considerations for the Pandemic       Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Flexible design of the cabin hospital
By Lei Tao (China)

The emergence of Free-Standing Emergency Department (FSED) within the Regionalized Public Health System as a possible interceptive model of care during pandemics such as COVID-19: lessons learnt from international case studies

By Mohana Das (Italy)

Transformational change for birth environment: Suggestions from the pandemic

By Doreen Balabanoff (Canada), Nicoletta Setola (Italy), Alessia Macchi (Italy) and Davis Harte (USA)

  • 08:40 - 09:30     Session 6: Hospitais no Brasil: transformações, revisões e urgências / Hospitals in Brazil: transformations, revisions and emergencies        Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Ascensão e declínio da indústria da loucura e as transformações sócio-urbanas: o caso da cidade de Juiz de For a
(Rise and decline of the madness industry and socio-urban transformations: the case of the city of Juiz de For a)
By Camila da Cunha Duque (Brazil)

As perspectivas brasileiras na qualificação do plano diretor hospitalar: estudo de caso em São Paulo
(Brazilian perspectives in the qualification of the hospital master plan: a case study in São Paulo)

By Adriana Levisky (Brazil)

Hospitais para emergências em tempos de pandemia (Covid-19): Estudos de caso na cidade do Recife
(Hospitals for emergencies in times of pandemic (Covid-19): Case studies in the city of Recife)

By George Eduardo Cabral da Costa, Renata Pascoal Freire & Fábio Bitencourt (Brazil)

  • 09:30 - 10:20     Session 7: Healthcare Facility Design and Research       Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Mapping flows in surgical facilities as part of case study tours: A systematic approach
By Herminia Machry (USA)

Associations between nursing home characteristics and COVID-19 infections and mortality among residents: Findings from the United States

By Xuemei Zhu (USA)

The People´s Hospital of Deyang city

By Zhang Yuanping (China)

  • 10:20 - 11:10     Session 8: Desenho e paisagem na arquitetura hospitalar latinoamericana / Design and landscape in Latin American hospital architecture            Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Spanish with English subtitles

Centros de energia sutil en arquitectura hospitalaria: guía para el diseño holístico y sustentable de Proyectos de Salud
(Subtle energy centers in hospital architecture: a guide to the holistic and sustainable design of Proyectos de Salud)
By Minor Martin Aguilar (Costa Rica)

El jardín en los procesos terapéuticos. Caso de estudio (The garden in therapeutic processes: A case study)

By Valentina Moya & Sonia Cedres de Bello (Venezuela)

La arquitectura de la epidemia: la peste bubónica y su impacto en la profilaxis urbana en el norte de Chile a inicios del siglo XX (The architecture of the epidemic: the bubonic plague and its impact on urban prophylaxis in northern Chile at the beginning of the 20th century)

By Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta (Chile)

  • 11:10 - 12:00     Session 9: Healthcare Facility and Healing Space Research      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Flexibility Paradox Between Theory and Practice. Optimization and Test of a Flexibility Assessment Tool for Hospital Planner
By Andrea Brambilla (Italy)

Come to Your Senses: Dementia-sensitive design saves money!

By Birgit Maria Dietz (USA)

Healthy and sustainable healthcare facilities: Sustainable site evaluation in LEED and non-LEED healthcare projects

By Andrea Brambilla (Italy)

Noon (12:00 - 13:00 Rio)

  • UIA-PHG Seminar Social Meeting   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

                                                                                                           Tue July 20,  UIA World Congress                                                                                                       

Afternoon (13:00 - 17:00 Rio)

  • 13:00 - 14:00     Architalks

  • 14:00 - 17:00     Keynotes

                                                                                                            Wed, July 21,  UIA-PHG Seminar                                                                                                         

Morning (07:00 - 12:00 Rio)

  • 07:00 - 07:50     Session 10: Health Design and the Pandemic       Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Architecture for health: The 1st MIC negative pressure hospital in Hong Kong
By Carol Lam (Hongkong)

A modular framework for emergency hospitals design in a pandemic

By Zhang Yuanping (China)

Guarding the Shangri-la

By Zhang Yuanping (China)

  • 07:50 - 08:40     Session 11: A COVID e os territórios vulneráveis no Rio de Janeiro / A COVID and vulnerable ​​territories in Rio de Janeiro)      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Validação da Metodologia da Habitação Saudável para prevenção à COVID-19 e à Tuberculose em território de alta prevalência de Tuberculose: estudo de caso em Manguinhos no município do Rio de Janeiro
(Validation of the Healthy Housing Methodology for the prevention of COVID-19 and Tuberculosis in a territory with a high prevalence of Tuberculosis: a case study in Manguinhos, in the city of Rio de Janeiro)
By Camilla Gillo de Assis Costa & Simone Cynamon Cohen (Brazil)

Monitoramento intra-urbano da pandemia de Covid-19 aplicado à cidade do Rio de Janeiro
(Intra-urban monitoring of the Covid-19 pandemic applied to the city of Rio de Janeiro)

By Thales Mesentier (Brazil)

Favela e Saúde – dados de contágio da Covid-19 e a geocodificação da pandemia no Rio de Janeiro

(Favela e Saúde – Covid-19 contagion data and the geocoding of the pandemic in Rio de Janeiro)

By Fabiana Izaga (Brazil)

  • 08:40 - 09:30     Session 12: Health Design and Contemporary Challenges I      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Thinking of the design of "combine normal condition with emergency " hospital under the background of COVID-19: Taking the emergency building of Shenzhen People's Hospital as an example

By Chunyang Zhang, Dan Qin, Lisaia Daria & Wenyu Zhang (China)

Leishenshan Hospital

By Ying Chen (China)

  • 09:30 - 10:20     Session 13: Health Design and Contemporary Challenges II      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Parto e Covid-19 em duas maternidades do Rio de Janeiro – RJ: considerações sobre o espaço físico
(Childbirth and Covid-19 in two maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro – RJ: considerations about the physical space)
By Cristiane N. da Silva (Brazil)

Hospital Flutuante (Floating Hospital)

By Joaquim Meira (Brazil)

Hospital Oceânico de Niterói – A trajetória para adaptação do primeiro hospital integralmente destinado ao atendimento de pacientes com COVID - 19 no Brasil (Hospital Oceânico de Niterói – The trajectory towards the adaptation of the first hospital entirely dedicated to the care of patients with COVID - 19 in Brazil)

By Cristiane N. da Silva (Brazil)

  • 10:20 - 11:10     Session 14: Saúde e habitação (Health and housing)      Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: Portuguese with English subtitles

Integralidade e Intersetorialidade na Assessoria Técnica à Habitação de Interesse Social como estratégia de promoção de territórios saudáveis em favelas e periferias. Caso referência: Setor 1 da Colônia Juliano Moreira
(Integrality and Intersectoriality in the Technical Assistance to Social Interest Housing as a strategy to promote healthy territories in slums and suburbs. Reference case: Sector 1 of the Juliano Moreira Colony)
By Luís Carlos Madeira Domingues (Brazil)

Repensando as habitações de interesse social (Rethinking social interest housing)

By Luiz Carlos Toledo (Brazil)

  • 11:10 - 12:00     Session 15: Universal Design and Design for Older People     Pre-recorded

UIA Congress Room: Public Health Stage-Purple Room (Instruction to find the Room: PDF) 

Language: English with Portuguese subtitles

Design Considerations for Universal Design for Independence
By Jin Gyu “Phillip” Park (USA)

Design for improving resilience in nursing homes: A Rapid review of research on correlations between nursing home COVID-19 infections and mental health outcomes

By Haoyue Yang (USA)

Innovative Strategies to Promote Infection Control, Social Interaction and Physical Activities in Long-term Care Facilities

By Zhipeng Lu (USA)

Noon (12:00 - 13:00 Rio)

  • UIA-PHG Seminar Social Meeting   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

                                                                                                           Wed July 21,  UIA World Congress                                                                                                      

Afternoon (13:00 - 16:00 Rio)

  • 13:00 - 16:00     Keynotes

                                                                                                            Thu, July 22,  UIA-PHG Seminar                                                                                                          

Morning (07:00 - 12:00 Rio)

  • 07:00 - 8:00  GUPHA (Global University Programs of Health Architecture) Meeting   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

Afternoon (13:00 - 17:00 Rio)

  • 14:00 - 15:00  UIA-PHG Seminar Closing Remarks   Live Meeting (open to public)   


Meeting ID:  934 7822 1423      Passcode: 77843-3137 

                                                                                                            Thu July 22,  UIA World Congress                                                                                                      

Morning (08:00 - 13:00 Rio)

  • 08:00 - 09:00     UIA Plenary Session

  • 09:00 - 10:00     UIA Plenary Session

  • 10:00 - 11:00     Institutional Summit

  • 11:00 - 13:00     Charter of Rio

Afternoon (13:00 - 17:00 Rio)

  • 15:00 - 16:00     Closing ceremony speech

  • 16:00 - 17:00     From Rio to Copenhagen

Evening (17:00 - 19:00 Rio)

  • 17:00 - 18:00     Cultural activities

  • 18:00 - 19:00     Closing party

                                                                                                                       End of the Program                                                                                                                      

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