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In accordance with its mission statement the UIA-PHG will organize a seminar in one of the member countries each year to share its information through presentations, poster sessions and discussions. Individuals and organizations interested in health care environments will be invited to contribute or to be present at these seminars, particularly from the UIA district where the seminar takes place. The seminar proceedings will be published in a book, CD or both to aid in the dissemination of information.

Regular contacts will be made with the UIA itself, other UIA working programmes and organizations like:
• IHF (International Hospital Federation)
• WHO (World Health Organisation)
• EU Commission of Healthcare
• IFHE (International Federation of Health care Engineers)
• EU-HPN (European- Health Property Network)
• GUHPA (Global University Health Programme for Architecture)

These contacts will be made by distribution of newsletters and other written information and through personal contacts by the Director and other PHG members. Collaboration with some of those institutes, shared conferences or research projects can create a special symbiosis.

To add to communication every trimester a Newsletter will be distributed by the Director and a Website ( will provide the opportunity to share more information about the activities of the UIA PHG.


The UIA PHG will focus its knowledge and expertise for the seminars on a limited amount of themes. The themes for a seminar will be selected from a quantity of themes that will be discussed and if necessary changed in the annual meeting.


The primary means of providing knowledge and information is the annual seminar. It is organised in one of the UIA member countries chosen as the venue at an annual meeting.

To give structure to the seminar a maximum of three themes should be selected. To ensure that the contents of the presentations conform with the themes and gives sufficient new information, a Scientific Committee will be established by the Director and the organiser of the seminar. Not everybody is entitled to present a paper.


The general model for the seminars is as follows.

  • Two day seminar, of which the last afternoon is intended for discussions in workshops per theme. This ends with a plenary discussion and conclusions

  • One to two days visiting tours

  • In the morning of the third day the annual meeting takes place

  • There should also be a possibility to make a strategic meeting with the executive members and some invited guests to discuss and distribute the specific tasks for the executive members

It is important to determine in advance the method by which the seminar proceedings will be published and how it will be financed.


The financing of the seminar is mostly affected by obtaining sponsors plus charging an entrance fee for the seminar and the visiting tours.


In that respect poster sessions and a presentation market for health facility building contractors, suppliers, consultants and other professional disciplines can be important.​

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